Shutterstock 1938474757 Business Savings

Grow your savings and grow your business with competitive interest rates on Campus Federal Business Savings.

  • $15 minimum opening balance
  • No monthly maintenance fees
  • 6 free withdrawals per month, $5 per subsequent withdrawals
  • Earn dividends with $250 minimum daily balance
APYMinimum BalanceDividend Rate
APY: 0.10%Minimum Balance: $250.00Dividend Rate: 0.10%

APY denotes Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 9/19/19. Fees could reduce earnings.

Earn a higher rate of return for your business on a flexible money market account.

  • $2,500 minimum opening balance
  • 6 free withdrawals per month, $5 per subsequent withdrawals
  • Earn dividends with $2,500 minimum daily balance
Deposit AmountAPYMinimum BalanceDividend Rate
Deposit Amount: $2,500 - $9,999APY: 0.15%Minimum Balance: $2,500.00Dividend Rate: 0.15%
Deposit Amount: $10,000 - $49,999APY: 0.15%Minimum Balance: $2,500.00Dividend Rate: 0.15%
Deposit Amount: $50,000 - $149,999APY: 0.33%Minimum Balance: $2,500.00Dividend Rate: 0.33%
Deposit Amount: $150,000 - $249,999APY: 0.43%Minimum Balance: $2,500.00Dividend Rate: 0.43%
Deposit Amount: $250,000 +APY: 0.43%Minimum Balance: $2,500.00Dividend Rate: 0.43%

APY denotes Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 1/16/2018. Fees could reduce earnings.


Business Solutions

Whether you are looking to expand, dreaming of new office space or just getting started, we have business solutions for you and your business. Let us help grow your business, one idea at a time.